Dog Toys Home / Dog Toys / Tuffy Fish Tuffy Fish Tuffy Fish £10.80 The Tuffy Fish is a perfect companion for your dog, they can enjoy games fetch & tug games. As with All Tuffy toys it Floats in water, and is machine washable, (air dry). All squeakers are enclosed in safety pockets Size: SMALL LARGE Add to your Wish List Information Specifications Reviews Tuffy Fish The Tuffy Fish is a perfect companion for your dog, they can enjoy games fetch & tug games. As with All Tuffy toys it Floats in water, and is machine washable, (air dry). All squeakers are enclosed in safety pockets These toys are hard to beat with its 4 Rows of Stitching, 4 Layers of Material, and Protective Webbing SAFETY FIRST! These toys are "Built to Last", but keep in mind, no toy will last forever. This toy is designed as an interactive "play" toy and is not a chew toy. Dog toys are for you and your pet to enjoy together. TUFFSCALE 7 out of 10 - JR 8 out of 10 - Large COLOUR Orange and cream stripe Junior Tuff/Dura Scale: 7 Item Size: 21cm x 10cm x 8cm Number of Squeakers: 1 Large Tuff/Dura Scale: 8 Item Size: 30.5 x 15.5 x 14 cm Number of Squeakers: 1 Product Code: T-OC-JR-FISH-OR Customer reviews No reviews left yet Write A Review Most RecentTop Rated No reviews have been left for this product, be the first to leave a review Related Products Tuffy Tug-O-War (No Stuffing) £18.00 Chuckit Ultra Tumbler £9.99 (3)